Savasci volume 68 bangla subtitle

  savasci volume 68 bangla subtitle 

The Warrior, who tells the epic story of a team belonging to the Special Forces Command, commonly known as the "Bordeaux Berets", includes the famous Sword Team, one of the elite units of the Bordeaux Berets, its commanders Colonel Halil İbrahim Kopuz (Murat Serezli) and Captain Kağan Bozok. (Berk Oktay) starts with getting out of prison, regrouping the team and returning to duty. With its superior skill, sense of duty and endless love for the homeland, the Kılıç Team will take charge at every point the country needs and will be the clenched fist and the inflexible wrist of Turkey. These young men who carry their loves, longings and all kinds of difficulties on their shoulders are ready to sacrifice everything for the country to which they dedicate themselves.

Because for them, “When it comes to the homeland, the rest is details..!”

Starring Berk Oktay, Murat Serezli, Sarp Levendoğlu, Fırat Albayram, Burç Kümbetlioğlu, Uğur Biçer and Bahadır Vatanoğlu, the series "Warrior" is on FOX on Sunday at 20.00!

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